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来源:职业餐饮网 发布时间:2011年02月23日 点击数: 收藏 讨论交流


问候语:good morning/早上好 good afternoon/下午好 good evening/晚上好 good night/晚安
How are you? 您还好吗?
How do you do? 您好吗?
Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到您。
Hello!/Hi! 您好!
称呼语:sir/先生 miss/小姐 madam/夫人,太太 Ms./女士
道歉语:I’m sorry/对不起 Excuse me./对不起,打搅了。
征询语:Can I help you?/我能帮到您吗? What’s the time?/请问现在几点?
May I have your name? 能告诉我您的名字吗?
应答语:sure, just a moment. 当然,等一会。
Yes, of course. 是的,当然。
No problem. 没问题。
I see. 我明白。
All right. 好的。
That’s fine. 好的。
祝贺语: Happy birthday! 生日快乐!
Happy New Year! 新年快乐!
Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!
Have a good time! 祝您今天过得愉快!
提醒语: Watch your step. 慢走.
Please be careful. 请小心.
Don’t worry. 别担心.
Take it easy. 放心好了.
指路语: Turn left/right. 向左/右转.
This way, please. 这边请.
I’ll show you the way. 我带您走.
Follow me, please. 跟我走.
告别语: Good-- bye. 再见
See you. 再见
Hope to see you again. 希望再次见到您.
Take care. 保重.
听不懂: I’m sorry , I don’t understand. I’ll get A.M.
I beg your pardon. 请原谅(我没听懂)
其他:Here you are. 给你。
Thank you, but no. 谢谢,但是不能。(当客人送小费时)
Let me help you.让我来帮您。
Go ahead. 请用吧/请说……等等。
Please sigh here.请在这里签字。
I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息很遗憾。
It won’t happen again. (这种情况)不会再发生了。
You’re welcome. 不客气。

1.How can I get to the lobby hall?
2、Follow me, please.
3. Where is the washroom?
4、Go straight ahead and turn right, you will find it.
5、Is there any taxi here?
6、Yes, how about the hotel taxi?
7、 ----能帮我叫一台的士吗?
Can you hire a taxi for me?
Sure, just a moment.
Can you bring my luggage down?
Yes, of course.
11、---- 请问有到香港的巴士吗?
Is there any bus to Hong Kong?
12、---- 有, 在商务中心买票.
Yes, you can buy the ticket in business center.
Could you please park your car at the parking space?
14、 先生, 您的车还没有锁好.
Sir, your car hasn’t been locked up.
Just a moment, I will get the AM for you.
Can you get the driver here?
17、---- 好的.
No problem.
18、先生,您在找您的车吗? 请问车号是多少?
Are you looking for your car? May I have the car number?                       

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