

A. Accepting a Reservation 接受预订
 How long would you like to stay? / How long will you be staying? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,您准备待多久?
 How many guests will there be in your party? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,您们一行有多少人?
  Which kind of room would you prefer? A single room or a double room? XX Mr./Mrs.
I can book you a single room for the 16th and 17th. XX Mr./Mrs.
For how many nights? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请问住几晚?
This is the peak tourist season. I am very sorry, but Would you call us again later this week? We may have a cancellation. XX Mr./Mrs.
We offer 10% discount for group reservation, sir. 我们为团体预定打九折,先生。
We’ll offer tour guides complimentary breakfasts. XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,我们可以为导游提供免费早餐。
XX Mr./Mrs. If you want to set up the co-operation with us for a long period, Please connect with Sales and Marketing Dept. And you will enjoy a good discount if you sign an agreement contract.
Which date would that be? /For what date, please? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请问您预订哪天的客房?
Would you tell me your arrival time,Please ? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请问您的抵达日期?
Would you hold the line, please? Let me check it. 请别挂机,好吗?让我查一下。
I’m afraid we’re fully booked./ I’m sorry, we don’t have any room available for that week. XX Mr./Mrs.
XX Mr./Mrs. Sorry for having kept you waiting. XX先生/小姐,对不起,让您久等了。
Is it possible for you to change your arrival date? We might have cancellations. XX Mr./Mrs.
When do you need the room, sir? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请问您需要什么时候的房间?
Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you next weekend. XX Mr./Mrs.

B. Check in when a guest has a reservation. 为有预订客人办理入住手续
Do you have a reservation (with us)? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,您有预订吗?
When did you make the reservation? What was the date of the reservation? XX Mr./Mrs.
Your reservation is for a single room for three nights, is that right? 您预订一间单人房,住三晚,对吗?
Would you tell me your name/May I have your name, please? Then I can check reservation record. XX Mr./Mrs.
Just a minute, I’ll check the arrival list,XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请稍等,我查查到客单。
May I reconfirm your departure date? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,我能再确认一下您的离店日期吗?
Would you please fill out this registration card for each of you? XX Mr./Mrs.
What’s name with your reservation ? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请问您是用什么名字做的预订?
How do you spell your name, Please ? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请问您的名字怎么拼?
The room may have been reserved in XX Mr./Mrs. the name of the person who made the reservation.

  • 酒店英语 热门阅读
