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来源:职业餐饮网 发布时间:2009年11月18日 点击数: 收藏 讨论交流
nd they’re much cheaper, actually.
G: Well, it seems we’ll have to take the train.
B: What time would you like to leave?
G: At noon, if possible.
B: How many tickets do you need?
G: Two soft berths. Please.
B: Will 2:15 be all right?
G: That’ll be fine.
B: Just a moment, while I call the station. I’m sorry, there aren’t any more seats left on the 2:15 train, but there is a train leaving on Saturday morning. That’s No.79 special express. It will leave at 7 a.m. What do you think of it, sir?
G: Well, I suppose I’ll have to take that one. My name is Henry Bellow. And here’s the money for booking.
B: I wish you a wonderful trip to Guangzhou.
Train ticket 火车票预订
G: I want to get to shanghai by train. Could you book a ticket for me?
B: With my pleasure, sir. What would you like to book, a hard berth or soft berth?
G: A soft berth, plea 阅读更多相关知识,返回【 酒店英语 】栏目列表