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来源:职业餐饮网 发布时间:2009年11月18日 点击数: 收藏 讨论交流
ur luggage is being delivered by the guide-interpreter from the airport.
- Your luggage is on the way from the airport.
- Your luggage will come after fifteen minutes. And we will bring them over to your rooms.
- The luggage of your group will be delivered to your rooms within ten minutes.
- Here is your luggage. Where would you like me to put it?
- Let me take your luggage, sir.
- Taxi fares are charged according to the cab model and mileage drive
Ticket booking service 票务预订
B: Good morning. May I help you?
G: Yes, I’d like to fly to Guangzhou on Saturday. Could you book tickets for me?
B: You have to book the tickets five days in advance. Now it’s the busy season for traveling, you know. Sorry to say all the tickets are booked up.
G: No ticket! What luck! But I
B: I wonder if you’d consider going there by train instead. You can have train tickets a 阅读更多相关知识,返回【 酒店英语 】栏目列表