
Service English For Housekeeping

Good morning, Housekeeping, may I help you? 早上好,客房服务中心,有什么可以帮到您的吗?
Housekeeping, may I come in? 客房服务员,我能进来吗?
May I clean your room now? 现在能打扫房间了吗?
Shall I come back later? 我稍后再来好吗?
When will be convenient, sir? 什么时候方便呢,先生?
When would you like your room to be cleaned? 您想什么时候能打扫房间呢?
We will come and clean your room at once. 我们马上来打扫房间。
May I turn down your bed? 我能为您开夜床吗?
Would you like me to draw the curtain for you? 为您拉上窗帘,好吗?
May I come in to add a bath towel? 我能进来补充一条浴巾吗?
May I replenish your mini Bar? 我能补充您的迷你吧吗?
Do you have laundry, sir? 先生,您有衣服要洗吗?
Is this for washing, sir? 这个要洗吗,先生?
Is this for pressing only? 这个只需要烫平吗?
When do you need your laundry back? 您什么时候需要您的衣服呢?
The laundry list is in the drawer. 洗衣单在抽屉里。
If your laundry is received before 2:00 PM, we will deliver it to your room by 6:00PM the same day. 下午2点之前收走的衣服, 同日下午6点之前送回。
If your laundry is received after 2:00 PM, we will deliver it to your room by 6:00PM the next day. 下午2点之后的衣服,次日下午6点之前送回。
We have express service, we deliver it within 4 hours at a 50% extra charge. 我们还有四小时送回的加快洗衣,加收50%的费用。
We can mend the cloth. 我们还可以缝补衣服。
We’ll manage to get rid of the stain, but we can’t guarantee. 我们尽力洗除这污渍,但不能保证能洗掉。
Could you please fill out the laundry form?请填写洗衣单。
Would you adjust your laundry form, sir? 先生,重改您的洗衣单好吗?
Could you sign here? 在这里签名好吗?
If you need anything , please dial 72 for housekeeping.房务中心请拨72。
We have hair dryer in each guest room. 每间客房都有吹风机。
It's free, sir. 先生,这是免费的。
That’s no trouble at all, sir. 先生,一点都不麻烦。
May I have your room number?能告诉我您的房间号吗?
I’ll bring it right away.我马上拿来。
I’ll send it at once.我马上送过去。
I’ll take it away at once. 我马上拿走。
I’m sorry to hear that, shall I call a doctor for you? 很遗憾听到这消息,要我帮您叫医生吗?
Take a rest, you’ll be fine soon. 好好休息您很快就会好的。
Are you feeling better now, sir? 先生,现在感觉好些了吗?
I hope you have a good night, sir. 晚安,先生。
We offer free shoes shining service, just put your shoes into the basket.我们提供免费擦鞋,只需把鞋子放在篮子里。
What do you want to buy? 您想买什么呢?
According to the hotel policy, the damage must be paid for.根据酒店的规定,必须要赔偿损坏物品。
May I check you room, sir? 我能检查一下您的房间吗,先生?
May I have a look at it? 我能看一下吗?
I’m sorry , an engineer will come to check it immediately. ,抱歉,维修员马上过来检查了。
Please don’t worry, I’ll send someone up to you room right away. 别担心,我马上派人上去。
I’m sorry , we can’t fix it today. 不好意思,我们今天无法修好。
Thank you for your comments, sir. 先生,谢谢您的建议。
I’m sorry, sir, I can answer you only after asking our manager. 对不起先生,我必须先去问问我们经理才能答复您。
I’m sorry, I don’t understand, I’ll get you the manager. 对不起,我听不懂,我去叫经理来。
I’m sorry, I don’t understand, could you please show me? 对不起,我不是很明白,您可以指给我看吗?
We’ll check into it right away. 我们将马上处理这件事。
I’m sorry about that , we have just run out. 真是抱歉,我们刚好把东西全借出去了。 

  • 酒店英语 热门阅读
