
 第一节 确定消防安全重点部位、重点工种的依据和原则

  Section One Fire Security Important Section, Important Work’s Base and Principle


  The fire security important section is the very important place, where will effect the operation of the whole hotel and lead people to hurt or dead, and destroy huge properties once the fire happens. The important section of fire is mainly containing the following:

  l 容易发生火灾的部位。

  Easy to happen the fire’s place

  l 发生火灾影响全局的部位。

  Easy to happen the fire so that influence whole hotel’s section

  l 物资财产集中的部位。

  The property and the financial concentrate place

  l 人员集中的部位。

  The place of people concentrated


  The fire important work mainly appointed that: all used the fuel and creative object have the great fire dangerous; the post staff detract, the person was few, the work circumstance and the situation was fewer poor; the work time and the work place more flexible, not fasten and often exchange; the skill of the fire was complicated, operating process strictly, the security require more highly, once happen fire hard to put off immediately

  第二节 酒店消防安全重点部位、重点工种明细

  Section Two Detail of Fire Security Important Section and Important Work


  Fire Security Important Section: Emergency control center, CCTV Room, collocating electricity room, boiler room (dynamo room).

  酒店消防安全重点工种: 电工(强、弱)、焊工、木工、油漆工、锅炉工、库管员、厨师、监控员工

  Fire Security Important Type of the Work: Electrician (strong, thin), welder, woodworker, painter, boiler worker, bursary worker, cook, emergent control worker

  第三节 消防安全重点部位的管理

  Section Three Fire Security Important Section Administration

  1、 酒店消防安全责任人、管理人(防火安全委员会)组织消防安全管理部门从实际出发共同研究、确定重点部位,并填写《消防重点部位登记表》,报送上级主管部门和公安消防机构备案;

  Hotel fire security principal and administrator (Fire Security Committee) organize fire security administration departments searching from the practice complexion, and then ensure the important section and fill the “Fire Emphasis Section Roll Call”, sent the records to the high-up charge department and the public security fire organization to put on records.

  2、 明确消防安全重点部位的责任部门和责任人;消防控制中心及监控中心的责任部门为酒店安全部,责任人为安全部经理,配电室及锅炉房(发电机房)的责任部门为酒店工程部,责任人为总工程师;

  Well-defined the responsible department and the responsible person of fire security important sections; CCTV& ECC are responsible for the hotel security department, and the responsible person is the chief of security of hotel; the collocating electricity room and boiler room (dynamo room) are responsible for the hotel engineering department, and the responsible officer is the chief of engineer

  3、 任用责任心强、业务技术熟练、懂得消防知识、身体健康的人员负责重点部位的消防安全工作;

  Appoint the personnel who have responsibility, proficient in operation skill, know the fire fighting knowledge and have a good health in charge of the fire security important section.

  4、 研究和分析重点部位的火灾因素,确定危险点和控制点,落实预防火灾事故的措施,并对岗位人员进行消防安全教育、防火安全技术培训和考核;

  Research and analyze the elements of a fire disaster in important section. Ensure the dangerous points and the control points and fulfill the step of preventing fire disaster. Educate the staff for the fire security, fireproofing skill’s training and give examination.

  5、 建立防火档案,制定灭火方案,配置必要的灭火器材、设施。

  Establish the fire prevention archives, institute the put out the fire plan, collocate the necessary fire extinguishers and the establishments.

  第四节 重点工种人员的管理

  Section Four The Important Work staff Administration

  一、电工的防火要求The fireproofing of the electrician

  1、 必须持有关部门核发的安全操作证上岗操作。

  The on duty staff must hold the concerning department’s security operation certification.

  2、 要按照有关规范安装检修电气线路和电器设备。安装和修理电气设备,必须由电工进行。 Follow the related regulations to install and check the electric & gas channels and the electrical appliance equipments.

  3、 要经常检查电气设备运行情况,对超负荷和擅自加大熔断器容量等隐患,及时向有关部门提出整改意见。

  Check the electric operation consistently. Inform the related department hidden trouble including the over burthen and adding the fuse lead to break the container etc., and put forward the adjusted ideas.

  4、 需要设临时线路时,必须经有关部门批准后,方可架设临时线路,在架设时要注意安全。

  When need build the temporary line, must pass the related department permission. And then set the temporary line and should notice the safety.

  5、 变电所要保持清洁,不准堆放杂物和可燃物。电闸箱周围、附近以及箱内要保持清洁,不准堆放其它物品。

  The change electric room should keep clean. Do not pile up sundries or the easy burning objects. The inside and surrounding of the electric gate box should keep clean and do not put any other thing.

  6、 要根据电器设备容量大小决定保险丝的型号,在选择保险丝时,其熔断电流应约等于额定电流的1.5—2倍。

  The type of the fuse is according to the electrical appliance equipment’s capacitance. When select the fuse, the fuse current should be equal to the rating current’s 1.5-2 times.

  7、 值班人员不准擅离职守,交接班要有手续。要积极主动向用电人员宣传安全用电常识,制止违章用电行为。

  The watch shouldn’t leave his post without permission and should hand over the procedure when switch to the next shift. The staff should propagandize actively the knowledge of using electricity safely to the users and restrict the action of peccancy in using electricity.

  8、 要掌握排除一般电气故障的方法,并能使用灭火器扑灭电气火灾。扑救电气设备火灾,首先切断电源。在带电情况下,可用二氧化碳和干粉灭火器扑救。但应注意不要让身体的任何部分接触带电体,并注意通风。断电后与其它火灾的扑救方法相同。

  The electrician should master the method of removing common electric failure and be able to use fire extinguishers to put out the electric fire disaster. To put out the electric fire disaster, at first, should cut off the power supply. Under electrified, could use the CO2 and the dust fire extinguishers. Attention to avoid touching anything with electricity and notice to ventilate. When cut off the power supply, the method of putting out the fire is as same as other fire disaster.

  • 消防安全 热门阅读
